Obslist (xmm4_dr11s.obslist)


The list of observation provides main parameters of all 8,292 observations from which the stacked catalogue 4XMM-DR11s was compiled. They were taken between 2000 February 3 and 2020 December 17, overlap by at least one arcminute in radius, and are not affected by very high background emission. The table includes their nominal coordinates, technical setup, observation dates, and information on the pre-processing assessment of background level and astrometry.


Users of the catalogue are kindly asked to reference the catalogue papers Traulsen et al. 2020, A&A 641, A137 and 2019, A&A 624, A77, and to include the policy statement:

This research has made use of data obtained from the 4XMM XMM-Newton serendipitous stacked source catalogue 4XMM-DR10s compiled by the institutes of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre selected by ESA.


Name Type UCD Unit Description
obs_id char meta.id

XMM-Newton observation identifier

stack_id short meta.id

Stack identifier

n_observations short meta.number

Number of observations in the stack

n_contrib_max short meta.number

Maximum number of directly overlapping observations in the stack

n_sources_stack short meta.number

Number of sources detected in the whole stack

ref_ra double pos.eq.ra deg

Reference coordinates of the stack: Right ascension

ref_dec double pos.eq.dec deg

Reference coordinates of the stack: Declination

area_est double phys.angArea deg**2

Approximate area covered by the stack

ra double pos.eq.ra

Mean pointing right ascenscion of the telescopes optical axis

dec double pos.eq.dec

Mean pointing declination of the telescopes optical axis

lii double pos.galactic.lon deg

Mean galactic longitude of the telescopes optical axis

bii double pos.galactic.lat deg

Mean galactic latitude of the telescopes optical axis

pa double pos.posAng deg

Mean position angle of the spacecraft

revolut short time.epoch

XMM-Newton revolution number of the observation

mjd_start float time.start

Modified Julian Date JD-2400000.5 of the observation start

mjd_stop float time.end

Modified Julian Date JD-2400000.5 of the observation end

obs_class short meta.code.qual

Quality classification in the catalogue from individual observations

target char src

Name of the main target of the observation

prop_description char src.class

Proposal description of the main target (XSA)

prop_type char meta.code.class

Type of the proposal (XSA)

prop_category char meta.code.class

Category of the proposal (XSA)

astcorr boolean meta.code.qual

Flag: observation was astrometrically corrected

cc_poffset double pos.angDistance arcsec

catcorr total position shift of the field

cc_pofferr double stat.error

1-sigma error on CC_POFFSET

cc_raoffset double pos.angDistance arcsec

catcorr shift of the right ascension in the field

cc_raofferr double stat.error

1-sigma error on CC_RAOFFSET

cc_deoffset double pos.angDistance arcsec

catcorr shift of the declination in the field

cc_deofferr double stat.error

1-sigma error on CC_DEOFFSET

cc_rot_corr double pos.posAng deg

catcorr shift of the position angle in the field

cc_rot_err double stat.error

1-sigma error on CC_ROT_CORR

cc_refcat char meta.ref

catcorr reference catalogue

cc_nmatches short meta.number

catcorr number of usable matches with the reference catalogue

pn_submode char instr.setup

EPIC/pn submode used for the observation

m1_submode char instr.setup

EPIC/MOS1 submode used for the observation

m2_submode char instr.setup

EPIC/MOS2 submode used for the observation

pn_filter char instr.filter

EPIC/pn filter used for the observation

m1_filter char instr.filter

EPIC/MOS1 filter used for the observation

m2_filter char instr.filter

EPIC/MOS2 filter used for the observation

pn_ontime double obs.exposure s

EPIC/pn exposure time in seconds

m1_ontime double obs.exposure s

EPIC/MOS1 exposure time in seconds

m2_ontime double obs.exposure s

EPIC/MOS2 exposure time in seconds

pn_bkg_cprob double stat.probability

EPIC/pn Cauchy probability derived from PN_BKG_CRAREA

m1_bkg_cprob double stat.probability

EPIC/MOS1 Cauchy probability derived from M1_BKG_CRAREA

m2_bkg_cprob double stat.probability

EPIC/MOS2 Cauchy probability derived from M2_BKG_CRAREA

pn_bkg_crarea double arith.rate photon".s**-1"

EPIC/pn background rate per area

m1_bkg_crarea double arith.rate photon".s**-1.arcsec**-2"

EPIC/MOS1 background rate per area

m2_bkg_crarea double arith.rate photon".s**-1.arcsec**-2"

EPIC/MOS2 background rate per area